Observatory of cultural contributory platforms

One of the goals of the ANR COLLABORA project is the construction of an observatory of cultural contributory devices.

With the term “cultural contributory devices”, we refer to any digital device that allows civil society actors to contribute to the construction of knowledge related to cultural objects in interaction with one or more cultural institutions (archives, libraries, museums, theaters or directly a central administration such as the Ministry of Culture).

The ANR COLLABORA project aims to propose an operational definition of this type of device from the analysis of the state of play of existing devices.

The devices were analyzed under three aspects:

  • The institutional project (carrier, funding, purpose, etc.);
  • The contributor (target audience, conditions of contribution, characteristics of the user profile, etc.);
  • Data (type of data collected / produced, data status, task performed, etc.); (iv) interface (modality of access, relationship with other digital spaces, etc.).

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